Βιβλια ({"value"=>5, "relation"=>"eq"})

Going Back to Constantinople: Istanbul: A City of Absences
Αλέξανδρος ΜασσαβέταςΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 299 εμφανίσεις
Spread over the shores of Europe and Asia, and heavy with the monuments and memories of two empires,...

Greeks and Turks in War and Peace
Θάνος Μ. ΒερέμηςΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 360 εμφανίσεις
Greeks and Turks in War and Peace chronicles the tumultuous road of Greek Turkish relations from the...

When abroad, speak as locals speak, recommends an old expats' mantra on assimilation.Thanks to John ...

Do I need a residence permit?How do I register a newborn?Who is eligible for military service?Can an...

The Competitiveness of the Greek Economy 2004-2008
Robert McDonaldΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 271 εμφανίσεις
Robert McDonald's book is a comprehensive survey of efforts in the Greek public and private sectors ...