Βιβλια ({"value"=>3137, "relation"=>"eq"})

Lisa continues her adventures. This time along the banks of the beautiful but mysterious Loch Ness i...

Plus extra is a series of books from Beginners to Intermediate level. It provides students with supp...

"Channel your English Beginners" is a new, exciting and easy-to-use course that effectively meets th...

This book, which accompanies the corresponding reader, includes a variety of tasks on each chapter, ...

Plus extra is a series of books from Beginners to Intermediate level. It provides students with supp...

16 complete practice tests for the ECPE Preliminary Test, comprising cloze passage, conversational g...

English Tree Workbook C features:-Four pages of exercises in each unit, practising the grammar and v...

Graded Practice Tests for Pre-FCE and FCE 1
Γιάννης ΜπουκουβάλαςΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 233 εμφανίσεις
Graded Practice Tests for Pre-ECE and FCE is a two-volume set of ten practice tests graded in diffic...

Adventures with English 2
Γιάννης ΜπουκουβάλαςΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 259 εμφανίσεις
The fun continues as students progress to Senior B level, joining the Miller and the Bensons for Chr...

Adventures with English 4
Γιάννης ΜπουκουβάλαςΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 265 εμφανίσεις
Adventures with English is a five-level course designed for students from Senior A to FCE level. It ...

English Tree A Workbook features:-Four pages of exercises in each unit, practising the grammar and v...

Adventures with English 4
Γιάννης ΜπουκουβάλαςΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 265 εμφανίσεις
The units in Book 4 have been extended to eight lessons and contain increased reading and comprehens...

Adventures with English 3
Γιάννης ΜπουκουβάλαςΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 267 εμφανίσεις
New grammar is introduced in the two lessons devoted to the ongoing story of the Bensons and the Mil...

Μastering Michigan provides comprehensive preparation for the Preliminary ECPE Test, with extensive ...

Profile on English Grammar 5
Γιάννης ΜπουκουβάλαςΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 228 εμφανίσεις
A comprehensive grammar series for Greek students of English consisting of five books covering all l...