Βιβλια ({"value"=>3137, "relation"=>"eq"})

New Εditions "Theatrical Readers" are carefully chosen classic tales which have been retold in such ...

English II for Tourist Enterprises
Δάφνη - Αδαμαντία Μυλωνά - ΓεωργαντοπούλουΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 235 εμφανίσεις
The book aims to help students who have completed (or are near to completing) their studies to famil...

Access is a four level course. The series follows the principles of the Common European Framework of...

FCE Listening and Speaking Skills 1: Student's Book
Virginia EvansΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 281 εμφανίσεις
The book provides systematic development of students listening and speaking skills. It also offers e...

Stars and Stripes Michigan ECPE: Coursebook Companion
Virginia EvansΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 231 εμφανίσεις
Stars & Stripes Michigan ECPE Skills builder is intended for Proficiency learners taking the ECP...

FCE Listening & Speaking Skills 1: Class Audio CDs
Virginia EvansΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 387 εμφανίσεις
The book provides systematic development of students listening and speaking skills. It also offers e...

FCE Listening & Speaking Skills 2: Student's Book
Virginia EvansΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 241 εμφανίσεις
The book provides systematic development of students istening and speaking skills. It also offers ex...

Access is a four level course. The series follows the principles of the Common European Framework of...

Practice Tests for the Revised CPE 1: Key
Bob ObeeΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 177 εμφανίσεις
Cambridge Proficiency Examination Practice Tests 1 is a set of six complete practice tests written i...

Practice Tests for the Revised CPE 3: Student's Book
Bob ObeeΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 222 εμφανίσεις
Cambridge Proficiency Examination Practice Tests 3 is a set of six complete practice tests written i...

Practice Tests for the Revised CPE 2: Key
Bob ObeeΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 213 εμφανίσεις
Cambridge Proficiency Examination Practice Tests 2 is a set of six complete practice tests written i...

IELTS Practice Tests 2: Book with Answers
James MiltonΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 248 εμφανίσεις
IELTS Practice Tests 2 is designed to help students prepare for the IELTS examination. There are two...

This pack is designed for training managers in business or industry, for school teachers and owners,...

Advanced Grammar and Vocabulary: Class Audio CD
Mark SkipperΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 289 εμφανίσεις
Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary is a comprehensive Use of English manual for students preparing fo...

Practice Tests for the BEC Vantage: Book with Answers
Kate WakemanΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 234 εμφανίσεις
Practice Tests for the BEC Vantage is a set of five complete practice tests written in accordance wi...