Πανος Καψασκης
Πάνος Καψάσκης
Βιβλία - Συμμετοχή - (20)
A unique, flexible, two-in-one course at B2 level, Impact prepares students for both the Cambridge F...
A modern, fun and exciting First Certificate course specifically designed for teenagers."Laser B2" o...
A modern, fun and exciting course specifically designed to take teenagers from intermediate level up...
A modern, fun and exciting intermediate course specifically designed for teenagers.Laser B1 provides...
A modern, fun and exciting intermediate course specifically designed for teenagers.Laser B1 provides...
A modern, fun and exciting intermediate course specifically designed for teenagers.Laser B1 provides...
A modern, fun and exciting course specifically designed to take teenagers from intermediate level up...
Super Skills A-C is a short, manageable and lively supplementary course for Senior A-C classes.-Comb...
A new two-level English course for young learners, specially written for Junior A and B classes in G...
A new two-level English course for young learners, specially written for Junior A and B classes in G...
A new two-level English course for young learners, specially written for Junior A and B classes in G...
A modern, fun and exciting intermediate course specifically designed for teenagers.Laser B1 provides...
A modern, fun and exciting intermediate course specifically designed for teenagers.Laser B1 provides...
Το ελεφαντάκι που έπαιρνε τα παιχνίδια των άλλων
Νανά Μαρμαρά - ΔαγιόγλουΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 173 εμφανίσεις
Κάθε φορά που ο Βανζέλ το ελεφαντάκι βλέπει κάτι που του αρέσει, δεν μπορεί να συγκρατηθεί! Το παίρν...
A unique, flexible, two-in-one course at B2 level, Impact prepares students for both the Cambridge F...
A modern, fun and exciting course specifically designed to take teenagers from intermediate level up...
A new pre-junior course, specially written for classes in Greece.Meet Leo, Lucy and their fiends.Sin...
Flying Carpets Junior B
Πασκαλίνα Τετράδη - ΣιδέρηΠροτεινόμενο 0 φορές - Σε 0 συλλογές - 195 εμφανίσεις
Flying Carpets is a new two-level English course for young learners, specially written for Junior A ...
Την κυρά Δημοκρατία όλοι την αγαπούν στο μικρό χωριό, γι' αυτό τη διάλεξαν για αρχηγό. Τι θα συμβεί ...
Γεια σας, παιδιά! Εγώ είμαι η Μελένια και αυτό το μαγικό μου βιβλίο!Ας το ανοίξουμε, λοιπόν, να δούμ...